Hello from London!
Submitted by anon. on Wed, 2009-09-23 06:00
Hi everyone,
Long-time reader and bento maker, first time forum resident! I live in London, UK (in West Kensington... hence the name) and have been making packed lunches in various forms for years... from the margarine sandwiches (mmm, delicious!) which accompanied my penniless gap year days to the bento boxes I pack for work now.
My work (I'm a barrister) involves a LOT of travelling around the south-east of the country, and every day is different - so I don't know whether I'll be eating my bento in the sun outside the visitor's centre at HMP Wayland, or sitting down with a load of papers in the robing room at Inner London Crown Court. I try to pack something different every day, but I'm sure we all have days when we reach for the familiar: my fall-back is rice, a soy egg, some kind of stir-fried vegetable and umeboshi plums (I'm addicted). I'm really looking forward to learning everyone's speed bento tips, as well as how to use my freezer more effectively in the bid to make-ahead!
Well, I think that's a long enough introduction. Hope to see you all around the forums sometime,
West Ken Girl.
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